继上文()之后,我的工作是进一步增强一些IE所不能提供的东东. 还记得Windows下的MessageBox嘛? IE呢?Alert?Confirm? 是不是好丑呢? 不过丑就算了,关键是还不好用. 本次的目标是,提供好看又好用的Web版的Windows MessageBox.(已测试,兼容IE和FF) 正文: 首先自然是先画好Html下的对话框样子了(用层来模拟): 画得不专业,先用着,反正后面可以通过css来调整. 接下来的工作就是需要通过Javascript动态输入这个层的内容.首先参考中的方式,代码虽然很多,不过只不过比多了几个层而已,大同小异: 1 2 KMessageBox = { 3 name: "KMessageBox", 4 capiton : "消息框", 5 content: "提示消息", 6 msgbox : null, 7 msgcaptioninfo: null, 8 msgcontent: null, 9 msgContenttxtmsg: null, 10 msgbuttonyes: null, 11 msbbuttonno: null, 12 msgico: null 13 }; 14 15 KMessageBox.init = function () { 16 var msgNameSpaceURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; 17 18 if(!msgContainerID) { var msgContainerID= "KMessageBox"; } 19 20 if(!msgCaptionID) { var msgCaptionID= "KMessageBox_caption"; } 21 if(!msgCaptionInfoID) { var msgCaptionInfoID = "KMessageBox_caption_info";} 22 if(!msgContentID) { var msgContentID = "KMessageBox_content"; } 23 if(!msgContentTxtID) { var msgContentTxtID= "KMessageBox_content_txt"; } 24 if(!msgContentTxtICOID) { var msgContentTxtICOID="KMessageBox_content_txt_ico"}; 25 if(!msgContentTxtMsgID) { var msgContentTxtMsgID="KMessageBox_content_txt_msg"}; 26 if(!msgButtons) { var msgButtonsID="KMessageBox_buttons"}; 27 if(!msgButtonYes) { var msgButtonYesID="KMessageBox_buttons_yes"}; 28 if(!msgButtonNo) { var msgButtonNoID="KMessageBox_buttons_no"}; 29 if(!msgButtonOK) { var msgButtonOKID="KMessageBox_buttons_ok"}; 30 31 var msgContainer = $(msgContainerID); 32 if(!msgContainer) { 33 msgContainer = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div"); 34 msgContainer.setAttribute("id", msgContainerID); 35 msgContainer.setAttribute("style","MARGIN: 0px auto; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: center;"); 36 37 38 var msgCaption = $(msgCaptionID); 39 40 if(!msgCaption) { 41 msgCaption = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 42 msgCaption.setAttribute("id",msgCaptionID); 43 Element.addClassName(msgCaption,"caption"); 44 45 46 var msgCaptionInfo = $(msgCaptionInfoID); 47 if(!msgCaptionInfo) { 48 msgCaptionInfo = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 49 msgCaptionInfo.setAttribute("id",msgCaptionInfoID); 50 Element.addClassName(msgCaptionInfo,"info"); 51 msgCaption.appendChild(msgCaptionInfo); 52 } 53 msgContainer.appendChild(msgCaption); 54 55 } 56 57 var msgContent = $(msgContentID); 58 59 if(!msgContent) { 60 msgContent= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 61 msgContent.setAttribute("id",msgContentID); 62 Element.addClassName(msgContent,"content"); 63 64 var msgContentTxt = $(msgContentTxtID); 65 66 if(!msgContentTxt ) { 67 msgContentTxt = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 68 msgContentTxt.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtID); 69 Element.addClassName(msgContentTxt,"txt"); 70 71 var msgContentTxtICO = $(msgContentTxtICOID); 72 if(!msgContentTxtICO) 73 { 74 msgContentTxtICO= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "img") : document.createElement("img") ; 75 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtICOID); 76 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("src","icon_alarm.gif"); 77 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("align","absMiddle"); 78 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("style","height:52px;width:64px;background-image:url('icon_big_info.gif');"); 79 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgContentTxtICO); 80 } 81 82 var msgContentTxtMsg= $(msgContentTxtMsgID); 83 if(!msgContentTxtMsg) 84 { 85 msgContentTxtMsg= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "span") : document.createElement("span") ; 86 msgContentTxtMsg.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtMsgID); 87 88 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgContentTxtMsg); 89 } 90 91 92 var msgButtons = $(msgButtonsID); 93 if(!msgButtons) 94 { 95 msgButtons = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 96 msgButtons.setAttribute("id",msgButtonsID); 97 Element.addClassName(msgButtons,"btnlist"); 98 var msgButtonYes = $(msgButtonYesID); 99 if(!msgButtonYes) 100 { 101 msgButtonYes= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 102 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("id",msgButtonYesID); 103 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("type","button"); 104 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("value","YES"); 105 Element.addClassName(msgButtonYes,"input_set"); 106 107 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonYes); 108 } 109 110 var msgButtonNo = $(msgButtonNoID); 111 if(!msgButtonNo) 112 { 113 msgButtonNo= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 114 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("id",msgButtonNoID); 115 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("type","button"); 116 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("value","NO"); 117 Element.addClassName(msgButtonNo,"input_set"); 118 119 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonNo); 120 121 } 122 123 var msgButtonOK= $(msgButtonOKID); 124 if(!msgButtonOK) 125 { 126 msgButtonOK= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 127 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("id",msgButtonOKID); 128 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("type","button"); 129 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("value","OK"); 130 Element.addClassName(msgButtonOK,"input_set"); 131 132 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonOK); 133 134 } 135 136 137 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgButtons); 138 } 139 140 msgContent.appendChild(msgContentTxt); 141 } 142 143 144 msgContainer.appendChild(msgContent); 145 } 146 147 document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(msgContainer); 148 } 149 150 this.msgbox = $( this.name); 151 this.msgcaptioninfo = $(msgCaptionInfoID); 152 this.msgContenttxtmsg= $(msgContentTxtMsgID); 153 this.msgbuttonyes = $(msgButtonYesID); 154 this.msgbuttonno = $(msgButtonNoID); 155 this.msgbuttonok = $(msgButtonOKID); 156 this.msgico = $(msgContentTxtICOID); 157 Element.hide( this.msgbox); 158 159 } 160 161
接下来应该为MessageBox提供行为能力.我们需要模拟Confirm和Alert. 原始的Confrim需要返回false或者true来决定是否要运行postback事件. 在这里我转换了一下思路,不返回值,而是直接将postback事件的脚本(_doPostBack('',''))传入MessageBox,并绑定到相关的按钮上.所以我们的需要接受传入的参数主要有:消息标题,消息内容,按钮事件 OK,接下来构造Javascript中MessageBox的ShowConfirm函数: 1 KMessageBox.ShowConfirm = function (imgdir,caption,msg,YesClick,NoClick) { 2 3 if (! this.msgbox ) return; 4 5 this.msgcaptioninfo.innerHTML = caption; 6 this.msgContenttxtmsg.innerHTML = msg; 7 // 为了提示消息前面的图片可以适应实际的相对位置,传入程序父目录,主要为封装为Server控件做准备 8 if(imgdir != "") 9 { 10 this.msgico.setAttribute("src",imgdir+"/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_alarm.gif"); 11 } 12 else 13 { 14 this.msgico.setAttribute("src","/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_alarm.gif"); 15 } 16 17 // 使用prototype类库 18 Element.show( this.msgbox); 19 Element.show( this.msgbuttonyes); 20 Element.show( this.msgbuttonno); 21 Element.hide( this.msgbuttonok); 22 23 var x=0,y=0; 24 x = (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); 25 y = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); 26 27 /**/ /* 一下这段这么复杂的处理方法,是为了符合最新web标准,因为在aspx页面中会默认加入 28 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> 29 新的标准中不支持document.body.clientHeight 属性,它是MSIE所有的 30 31 */ 32 var theWidth=0,theHeight=0; 33 34 if (window.innerWidth) 35 { 36 theWidth = window.innerWidth 37 theHeight = window.innerHeight 38 } 39 else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) 40 { 41 theWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth 42 theHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight 43 } 44 else if (document.body) 45 { 46 theWidth = document.body.clientWidth 47 theHeight = document.body.clientHeight 48 } 49 50 // 做div居中处理 51 this.msgbox.style.left = (theWidth - this.msgbox.offsetWidth)/2+x; 52 this.msgbox.style.top = (theHeight - this.msgbox.offsetHeight)/2+y; 53 54 // 绑定传入的事件 55 this.msgbuttonyes.onclick = YesClick; // function(){ alert('yes');}; 56 this.msgbuttonno.onclick = NoClick; 57 // 绑定隐藏div的事件,使用prototype类库 58 Event.observe( this.msgbuttonyes,"click", function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true); 59 Event.observe( this.msgbuttonno,"click", function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true); 60 }
有了显示还需要做隐藏处理,即上面调用的KMessageBox.Hide(); 1 KMessageBox.Hide = function() 2 { 3 if (! this.msgbox ) return; 4 Element.hide( this.msgbox); 5 // detach 事件,防止IE 内存泄漏 6 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonyes,"click", function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 7 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonno,"click", function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 8 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonok,"click", function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 9 } 10
至于模拟Alert,就可以模仿ShowConfirm来做了,so easy ok,整个MessageBox 类看起来已经像模像样了.运行一下... 噫,不对,好像缺了点什么....没错,它不是ShowModal类型的...用户还可以任意点下面的页面元素. 这个怎么模拟? 当然还是div了...做一个整个页面大小的div覆盖在所有页面元素之上,MessageBox层之下. 不过有个弊端,div不能覆盖select控件,那只好搬出iframe了..所谓道高一尺魔高一丈 1 function DialogModal() { 2 this.blankImgHandle = null; 3 this.tags = new Array("applet", "iframe", "select","object","embed"); 4 } 5 6 7 DialogModal.Show = function() 8 { 9 debugger; 10 var NameSpaceURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; 11 this.blankImgHandle = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(NameSpaceURI, "iframe") : document.createElement("iframe") ; // iframe 12 this.blankImgHandle.setAttribute("id","blankImgHanldle"); 13 with ( this.blankImgHandle.style) { 14 position = "absolute"; 15 left = 0; 16 top = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); 17 height = "100%"; //这边用100%在 标准生成的aspx页面好像比起效果,去掉doctype那句就可以,所以我直接设置一个分辨率即1024X768 18 width = "100%"; 19 zIndex = "9999"; //这个zIndex比页面所有元素大,但是要比MessageBox小,保证MessageBox 不被罩住 20 filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=40)"; 21 opacity = "0.1"; 22 } 23 24 document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild( this.blankImgHandle); 25 } 26 27 DialogModal.Close = function() { 28 if ( this.blankImgHandle) 29 { 30 Element.remove( this.blankImgHandle); 31 this.blankImgHandle = null; 32 } 33 }; 34
在MessageBox中Show的时候,调用DialogModal.Show,Hide的时候调用DialogModal.Hide 即ok了. 有了上面的两个Javascript类,我们就可以很好的做服务端的封装了,取到control的dopostback函数,直接传入给ShowConfrim就可以了. 1 // ShowConfirm客户端事件 2 private string JS_CONFIRM = "KMessageBox.ShowConfirm('{0}','{1}','{2}',{3},{4});return false;"; 3 4 // 获取DoPostBack事件,这边还有个难点,怎么取得客户端验证事件,目前我还没有解决 5 strOnClickScript = "function(){" + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(control, "") + ";}"; 6 // 注册MessageBox事件, 7 control.Attributes["onclick"] += string.Format(JS_CONFIRM, this.mImgDir, caption, content, strOnClickScript, "function(){}");
源码: 代码插入比较慢,而且经常ShowDialogModal框不返回,晕死.....直接down吧: KMessageBox.js 1 2 KMessageBox = { 3 name: "KMessageBox", 4 capiton : "消息框", 5 content: "提示消息", 6 msgbox : null, 7 msgcaptioninfo: null, 8 msgcontent: null, 9 msgContenttxtmsg: null, 10 msgbuttonyes: null, 11 msbbuttonno: null, 12 msgico: null 13 }; 14 15 KMessageBox.init = function () { 16 var msgNameSpaceURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; 17 18 if(!msgContainerID) { var msgContainerID= "KMessageBox"; } 19 20 if(!msgCaptionID) { var msgCaptionID= "KMessageBox_caption"; } 21 if(!msgCaptionInfoID) {var msgCaptionInfoID = "KMessageBox_caption_info";} 22 if(!msgContentID) { var msgContentID = "KMessageBox_content"; } 23 if(!msgContentTxtID) { var msgContentTxtID= "KMessageBox_content_txt"; } 24 if(!msgContentTxtICOID) {var msgContentTxtICOID="KMessageBox_content_txt_ico"}; 25 if(!msgContentTxtMsgID) {var msgContentTxtMsgID="KMessageBox_content_txt_msg"}; 26 if(!msgButtons) {var msgButtonsID="KMessageBox_buttons"}; 27 if(!msgButtonYes) {var msgButtonYesID="KMessageBox_buttons_yes"}; 28 if(!msgButtonNo) {var msgButtonNoID="KMessageBox_buttons_no"}; 29 if(!msgButtonOK) {var msgButtonOKID="KMessageBox_buttons_ok"}; 30 31 var msgContainer = $(msgContainerID); 32 if(!msgContainer) { 33 msgContainer = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div"); 34 msgContainer.setAttribute("id", msgContainerID); 35 msgContainer.setAttribute("style","MARGIN: 0px auto; POSITION: absolute; TEXT-ALIGN: center;"); 36 37 38 var msgCaption = $(msgCaptionID); 39 40 if(!msgCaption) { 41 msgCaption = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 42 msgCaption.setAttribute("id",msgCaptionID); 43 Element.addClassName(msgCaption,"caption"); 44 45 46 var msgCaptionInfo = $(msgCaptionInfoID); 47 if(!msgCaptionInfo) { 48 msgCaptionInfo = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 49 msgCaptionInfo.setAttribute("id",msgCaptionInfoID); 50 Element.addClassName(msgCaptionInfo,"info"); 51 msgCaption.appendChild(msgCaptionInfo); 52 } 53 msgContainer.appendChild(msgCaption); 54 55 } 56 57 var msgContent = $(msgContentID); 58 59 if(!msgContent) { 60 msgContent= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 61 msgContent.setAttribute("id",msgContentID); 62 Element.addClassName(msgContent,"content"); 63 64 var msgContentTxt = $(msgContentTxtID); 65 66 if(!msgContentTxt ) { 67 msgContentTxt = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 68 msgContentTxt.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtID); 69 Element.addClassName(msgContentTxt,"txt"); 70 71 var msgContentTxtICO = $(msgContentTxtICOID); 72 if(!msgContentTxtICO) 73 { 74 msgContentTxtICO= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "img") : document.createElement("img") ; 75 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtICOID); 76 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("src","icon_alarm.gif"); 77 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("align","absMiddle"); 78 msgContentTxtICO.setAttribute("style","height:52px;width:64px;background-image:url('icon_big_info.gif');"); 79 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgContentTxtICO); 80 } 81 82 var msgContentTxtMsg= $(msgContentTxtMsgID); 83 if(!msgContentTxtMsg) 84 { 85 msgContentTxtMsg= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "span") : document.createElement("span") ; 86 msgContentTxtMsg.setAttribute("id",msgContentTxtMsgID); 87 88 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgContentTxtMsg); 89 } 90 91 92 var msgButtons = $(msgButtonsID); 93 if(!msgButtons) 94 { 95 msgButtons = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "div") : document.createElement("div") ; 96 msgButtons.setAttribute("id",msgButtonsID); 97 Element.addClassName(msgButtons,"btnlist"); 98 var msgButtonYes = $(msgButtonYesID); 99 if(!msgButtonYes) 100 { 101 msgButtonYes= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 102 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("id",msgButtonYesID); 103 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("type","button"); 104 msgButtonYes.setAttribute("value","YES"); 105 Element.addClassName(msgButtonYes,"input_set"); 106 107 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonYes); 108 } 109 110 var msgButtonNo = $(msgButtonNoID); 111 if(!msgButtonNo) 112 { 113 msgButtonNo= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 114 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("id",msgButtonNoID); 115 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("type","button"); 116 msgButtonNo.setAttribute("value","NO"); 117 Element.addClassName(msgButtonNo,"input_set"); 118 119 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonNo); 120 121 } 122 123 var msgButtonOK= $(msgButtonOKID); 124 if(!msgButtonOK) 125 { 126 msgButtonOK= document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(msgNameSpaceURI, "input") : document.createElement("input") ; 127 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("id",msgButtonOKID); 128 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("type","button"); 129 msgButtonOK.setAttribute("value","OK"); 130 Element.addClassName(msgButtonOK,"input_set"); 131 132 msgButtons.appendChild(msgButtonOK); 133 134 } 135 136 137 msgContentTxt.appendChild(msgButtons); 138 } 139 140 msgContent.appendChild(msgContentTxt); 141 } 142 143 144 msgContainer.appendChild(msgContent); 145 } 146 147 document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild(msgContainer); 148 } 149 150 this.msgbox = $( this.name); 151 this.msgcaptioninfo = $(msgCaptionInfoID); 152 this.msgContenttxtmsg= $(msgContentTxtMsgID); 153 this.msgbuttonyes = $(msgButtonYesID); 154 this.msgbuttonno = $(msgButtonNoID); 155 this.msgbuttonok = $(msgButtonOKID); 156 this.msgico = $(msgContentTxtICOID); 157 Element.hide( this.msgbox); 158 159 } 160 161 KMessageBox.ShowConfirm = function (imgdir,caption,msg,YesClick,NoClick) { 162 163 if (! this.msgbox ) return; 164 // alert(document.body.style.overflowY); 165 DialogModal.Show(); 166 167 this.msgcaptioninfo.innerHTML = caption; 168 this.msgContenttxtmsg.innerHTML = msg; 169 if(imgdir != "") 170 { 171 this.msgico.setAttribute("src",imgdir+"/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_alarm.gif"); 172 } 173 else 174 { 175 this.msgico.setAttribute("src","/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_alarm.gif"); 176 } 177 178 Element.show( this.msgbox); 179 Element.show( this.msgbuttonyes); 180 Element.show( this.msgbuttonno); 181 Element.hide( this.msgbuttonok); 182 183 var x=0,y=0; 184 x = (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); 185 y = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); 186 187 var theWidth=0,theHeight=0; 188 189 if (window.innerWidth) 190 { 191 theWidth = window.innerWidth 192 theHeight = window.innerHeight 193 } 194 else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) 195 { 196 theWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth 197 theHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight 198 } 199 else if (document.body) 200 { 201 theWidth = document.body.clientWidth 202 theHeight = document.body.clientHeight 203 } 204 205 this.msgbox.style.left = (theWidth - this.msgbox.offsetWidth)/2+x; 206 this.msgbox.style.top = (theHeight - this.msgbox.offsetHeight)/2+y; 207 208 this.msgbuttonyes.onclick = YesClick; // function(){ alert('yes');}; 209 this.msgbuttonno.onclick = NoClick; 210 211 Event.observe( this.msgbuttonyes,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true); 212 Event.observe( this.msgbuttonno,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true); 213 } 214 215 KMessageBox.ShowInfo = function (imgdir,caption,msg) { 216 217 if (! this.msgbox ) return; 218 DialogModal.Show(); 219 220 if(imgdir != "") 221 { 222 this.msgico.setAttribute("src",imgdir+"/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_big_info.gif"); 223 } 224 else 225 { 226 this.msgico.setAttribute("src","/kinnsoft_client/KMessageBox/icon_big_info.gif"); 227 } 228 229 this.msgcaptioninfo.innerHTML = caption; 230 this.msgContenttxtmsg.innerHTML = msg; 231 Element.show( this.msgbox); 232 Element.show( this.msgbuttonok); 233 Element.hide( this.msgbuttonyes); 234 Element.hide( this.msgbuttonno); 235 236 var x=0,y=0; 237 x = (document.documentElement.scrollLeft || document.body.scrollLeft); 238 y = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); 239 240 var theWidth=0,theHeight=0; 241 242 if (window.innerWidth) 243 { 244 theWidth = window.innerWidth 245 theHeight = window.innerHeight 246 } 247 else if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) 248 { 249 theWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth 250 theHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight 251 } 252 else if (document.body) 253 { 254 theWidth = document.body.clientWidth 255 theHeight = document.body.clientHeight 256 } 257 258 this.msgbox.style.left = (theWidth - this.msgbox.offsetWidth)/2+x; 259 this.msgbox.style.top = (theHeight - this.msgbox.offsetHeight)/2+y; 260 261 262 Event.observe( this.msgbuttonok,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true); 263 } 264 265 266 KMessageBox.Hide = function() 267 { 268 if (! this.msgbox ) return; 269 Element.hide( this.msgbox); 270 DialogModal.Close(); 271 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonyes,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 272 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonno,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 273 Event.stopObserving( this.msgbuttonok,"click",function() {KMessageBox.Hide();}, true) 274 } 275 276 277 function DialogModal() { 278 this.blankImgHandle = null; 279 this.tags = new Array("applet", "iframe", "select","object","embed"); 280 } 281 282 283 DialogModal.Show = function() 284 { 285 debugger; 286 var NameSpaceURI = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; 287 this.blankImgHandle = document.createElementNS ? document.createElementNS(NameSpaceURI, "iframe") : document.createElement("iframe") ; // iframe 288 this.blankImgHandle.setAttribute("id","blankImgHanldle"); 289 with ( this.blankImgHandle.style) { 290 position = "absolute"; 291 left = 0; 292 top = (document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop); 293 height = "100%"; 294 width = "100%"; 295 zIndex = "9999"; 296 filter = "progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(style=0,opacity=40)"; 297 opacity = "0.1"; 298 } 299 300 document.getElementsByTagName("body").item(0).appendChild( this.blankImgHandle); 301 } 302 303 DialogModal.Close = function() { 304 if ( this.blankImgHandle) 305 { 306 Element.remove( this.blankImgHandle); 307 this.blankImgHandle = null; 308 } 309 }; 310 311 312 Event.observe(window, 'load', function(e) {KMessageBox.init();}, false); 313 Event.observe(window, 'unload', Event.unloadCache, false);
KMessageBox.css 1 2 #KMessageBox 3 { }{ 4 margin: 0px auto; 5 width : 398px; 6 height: 188px; 7 border: 1px solid #498AC2; 8 font-size: 9pt; 9 position: absolute; 10 z-index: 10000 ; 11 } 12 13 14 #KMessageBox .caption 15 { }{ 16 font-family: 'tahoma'; 17 font-size: 8pt; 18 background: #45A0EE url('alter_bar.gif') no-repeat; 19 height: 28px; 20 text-align: left; 21 } 22 #KMessageBox .info 23 { }{ 24 float: left; 25 color: #fff; 26 font-weight: bold; 27 margin: 8px 0 0 8px; 28 } 29 #KMessageBox .content 30 { }{ 31 font-family: 'tahoma'; 32 font-size: 8pt; 33 width: 396px; 34 word-break: break-all; 35 height: 157px; 36 border: 1px solid #fff; 37 background: #fff url('alter_bg.gif') repeat-x; 38 } 39 #KMessageBox .txt 40 { }{ 41 margin-top: 25px; 42 text-align: center; 43 color: #327FC6; 44 padding: 0 12px; 45 line-height: 22px; 46 } 47 .txt 48 { }{ 49 font-family: tahoma; 50 font-size: 11px; 51 font-weight: normal; 52 } 53 img { }{ border: 0} 54 #KMessageBox .btnlist 55 { }{ margin-top: 30px; text-align: center;} 56 57 #KMessageBox .input_set 58 { }{ 59 border-style: none; 60 border-color: inherit; 61 border-width: 0; 62 font-size: 9pt; width: 63px; height: 22px; background: url('compose.gif') no-repeat -154px -22px; 63 } 64 .input_set 65 { }{ 66 width: 50%; 67 height: 17px!important; height : 21px; 68 border: 1px solid #7F9DB9; 69 padding: 3px 2px 0 2px!important; 70 padding /**/ /**/: 3px 2px 1px 2px; 71 color: #494949; 72 } 73 74 75 .input_Alist 76 { }{ 77 border-style : none; 78 border-color: inherit; 79 border-width: 0; 80 width: 85px; height: 22px; background: #fff url('input_bg_alist.gif') no-repeat; 81 float: left; 82 }